Fire Your Boss

Be Your Own Boss

The slogan and rallying cry of home business owners, or people that want to make you one, is “Fire Your Boss”, or “Be Your Own Boss”.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing myself in all of my hishtadlus since leaving America, from selling books to being a private tutor, and coming to the internet to do what I’m doing, being my own boss.

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Actually I just got a job, a private arrangement that I have with a friend of mine. Not very much of a job, putting away the siddurim at a local shul, which takes about a half to three quarters of an hour every day.

Now, it’s admittedly strange Boruch Rappaport putting away all the siddurim for several reasons, and I decided that if anyone asks me, which hasn’t happened yet, that I would say that I am doing it for a tikun shovavim.

Yet I find that the excuse is not far from the truth. When done with humility and with purity of heart, just to fulfill my volunteer work without anybody noticing, I find that it is a positive contributing factor for tikkun hamidos.

And the head of the congregation, my boss now, whereas before there was mutual appreciation and admiration and friendship, now in addition when I see him my heart goes a flutter wondering if he thinks I am doing a good job, which I find is also useful for my Avodas Hashem.

Be Your Own Boss

Actually now the motto Fire Your Boss sounds to me a bit crass. I still think that it is the right thing to do, and I practice what I preach — this “job” is more like volunteer work than a job, the bulk of my day when I am not in the Bais Medrash, I am indeed my own boss. Just that I found that with the right approach and outlook, having a boss makes it easier to internalize that we really do have a Boss.

About The Author

Boruch Rappaport

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