Boruch Rappaport Author Blog Gets A New Face

Boruch Rappaport Author Blog Gets A New Face With the upgrading of my “Author Blog” script this month, the Boruch Rappaport Author blog gets a new face. It is still under construction, with many details yet I have to work out, but the basic shape of the blog is set. The new script has several design changes…

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New Jewish Blog by Boruch Rappaport

New Jewish Blog by Boruch Rappaport Today we are announcing the new Jewish Blog by Boruch Rappaport. New Jewish Blog by Boruch Rappaport The new Jewish Blog by Boruch Rappaport – or Boruch Rappaport Jewish Chronicle – will focus on the following categories: Jewish Jewish Beliefs Jewish Bible Jewish Holidays Jewish Religion Judaica. We hope…

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year? The news media reports that mankind has started to celebrate the incoming 2010 with rejoicing and the traditional fireworks and wishing one another “Happy New Year”. Here it is another six hours away as I write this, and in New York it is still the morning of the 31st. Searching for Jewish…

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Chayei Sarah 5770

Parshas Chayei Sarah This past week we read Parshas Chayei Sarah. A Shidduch for Yitzchak One of the subjects of the Parsha is the search by Eliezer for a suitable shidduch for Yitzchak Avinu. Eliezer arrives to the town well, prays to the A’lmighty asking for a specific sign to identify the right girl, then…

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Parsha Matos 5769

Parsha Matos I was inspired to an original idea in Parsha Matos. Moshe Rabbeinu’s Prophecy At the beginning of the Torah portion we find on the words “Ze HaDavar”, that Rashi brings from Chazal that the level of Moshe Rabbeinu’s prophecy was higher than the other prophets – whereas the other prophets prophecized with the expression “Ko…

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Torah Reading Pinchas 5769

Torah Reading – Pinchas I record briefly for myself an issue from the Torah Reading – the Parsha of Pinchas, and perhaps for any advanced Torah students that might stumble by here. Torah Reading – Pinchas The Sons Of Korach It would seem that there is a contradiction between what Rashi writes in this Torah portion regarding…

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Torah Reading Pinchas 5769

Torah Reading – Pinchas This week’s Torah Reading  – Pinchas, is a natural continuation from last week’s Parsha which told of the zealousness of Pinchas in fighting against the Chillul Hashem which was happening. Torah Reading – Pinchas In this week’s Torah portion, Pinchas, at the beginning of the Torah Reading, the Torah tells us…

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Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha 5769

Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha Let me share some thoughts on Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha that came to me like a flash. Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha One of the questions that I had for years, was that it says in Halacha that on Rosh Hashana one should not mention his sins, he should not say viduy, and so forth. Many skip in Aveinu Malkainu…

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Parshas Emor 5769

Parshas Emor In Parshas Emor we find some of the prohibitions for Kohanim. The Parsha of Emor In the Parsha of Emor we read about the prohibition for Kohanim to have contact with a mais, a dead person. The Or HaChaim HaKadosh brings from the Medrash Tanchuma, that the A’lmighty says, “it is not nice, it is…

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