Kosher Tefillin

Kosher Tefillin There are many details which are necessary that the Tefillin be Kosher Tefillin. Parshas and Batim Over-simplified, Kosher Tefillin is built from two parts, the inside, (the “parshas”, the scrolls), and the outside, (the “batim”, the leather compartments, including the “retzuos”, the straps). In order for the Tefillin to be Kosher, everything must…

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Chayei Sarah 5770

Parshas Chayei Sarah This past week we read Parshas Chayei Sarah. A Shidduch for Yitzchak One of the subjects of the Parsha is the search by Eliezer for a suitable shidduch for Yitzchak Avinu. Eliezer arrives to the town well, prays to the A’lmighty asking for a specific sign to identify the right girl, then…

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