Learning From Mistakes

Learning From Mistakes Yesterday I took a fall, I think it was the first time since childhood. Almost flat on my face, I banged my knee, but B”H, no damage. On the way out from my building I noticed there was a puddle of water on the ground, and it looked like it dripped from…

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Bitul Selflessness

Bitul Selflessness I had an insight last Shabbos about bitul, selflessness, which I don’t mind sharing. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. Chazal: Pirkei Avos Chazal express themselves in Pirkei Avos, “Who is wise? He who learns from every person.” I had contact with something which is almost…

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A Chassidic Rebbe

A Chassidic Rebbe Many years ago a well known Talmid Chacham and author came to speak to us in Kollel. I am sure that you have heard of him, but not everyone appreciates having his name mentioned on the internet. In his talk he told us a story: One day one of the Chassidic Rebbes…

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