Tzedakah and Redemption

Tzedakah and Redemption

The Tur quoted in my previous post connects Tzedakah and Redemption.

Tzedakah and Redemption

Tzedakah and The Final Redemption

The Tur brings from Chazal that the Jewish People will only be redeemed through Tzedakah, as it says Tzion BeMishpat Tipadeh, VeShaveha Be-Tzedakah.

It also says in the Haftorah that we read on a fast day, Shimru Mishpat VeAsu Tzedakah, Ki Krovah Yeshuasi Lavo etc. The comentary of the Prisha there explains that the actual city of Jerusalem will be redeemed through justice, and Shaveha, those who return to Jerusalem, will be redeemed through the merit of Tzedakah. And similarly regarding the second posuk quoted.

About The Author

Boruch Rappaport

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