Parshas HaChodesh

Parshas HaChodesh I got real excited when I heard Parshas HaChodesh last Shabbos, when I realized that when Moshe Rabbeinu told over Parshas HaChodesh to the Yidden in Egypt, that this was basically the Besora, the tidings, of the upcoming Geula in two weeks time. Moshe Rabbeinu basically said to the Yidden, “Another two weeks,…
Matanos La’Evyonim Thank You
Matanos La’Evyonim I want to thank everyone who sent me contributions for Matanos La’Evyonim. I added my own money to round it up, and gave it to the family on Sunday morning, yud dalet, exactly as it’s supposed to be. I sent everyone an email thank you to your Paypal account address, but I wanted…
Reb Meir Schuster
Reb Meir Schuster Reb Meir Schuster is a man who requires no introduction. The Reb Meir Schuster Tribute Website I just heard of the launch of the Reb Meir Schuster Tribute Website. I personally met Reb Meir Schuster maybe twice, not much more. I didn’t come through that path, yet Reb Meir Schuster was a living legend…
Matanos La’Evyonim
Matanos La’Evyonim Purim is coming in about two weeks. Everyone is starting to make preparations. One of the Mitzvos of the day is Matanos La’Evyonim, gifts to the poor. I will be collecting Matanos La’Evyonim this year with G-d’s help for a needy family. Please see my page here.
Ki Sisa
Parshas Ki Sisa On last Shabbos we read the Parsha of Ki Sisa. Luchos Shenios On the verse “p’sal lecha”, where the Aibishter tells Moshe Rabbeinu to prepare the Luchos Shenios, the second set of Tablets for the Ten Commandments, (seeing that Moshe broke the first ones), Rashi brings from the Medrash Tanchuma an allegory…
Shovavim During these days: today, tomorrow, and Shabbos, we come to the end of the Shovavim period, special this year because it is Shovavim Tat. They say that the Arizal’s original Tikun was meant only for leap years, years with two Adars, even though nowadays we have accepted the Avodas Hashem of Shovavim each year.…
Fire Your Boss
Be Your Own Boss The slogan and rallying cry of home business owners, or people that want to make you one, is “Fire Your Boss”, or “Be Your Own Boss”. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing myself in all of my hishtadlus since leaving America, from selling books to being a private tutor, and coming…
Parshas Beshalach – Shabbos Shira
Parshas Beshalach – Shabbos Shira The main theme of Parshas Beshalach is Kriyas Yam Suf and the Shiras HaYam, the splitting of the Sea and the Song that the Jewish people sang to the A’lmighty afterwards. That’s why this Shabbos is called Shabbos Shira. I wrote a post after Pesach last year describing what seems…
Chanukah and Parshas Vayaishev
Chanukah and Parshas Vayaishev On the Shabbos before Chanukah it often comes out that we read Parshas Vayaishev. There are many connections drawn between Chanukah and Parshas Vayaishev. Avodas Hashem The Bach writes in his commentary on the Tur at the beginning of Hilchos Chanukah, that the main issue for which we were thrown into…
The Parsha of Toldos Cont.
The Parsha of Toldos Cont. This is a continuation from the post The Parsha of Toldos, to view it please click here. In Rashi’s second pshat on the first posuk, he says that the added words were necessary to be written because of the laitzainai hador. All the years I always wondered, who are these laitzainai hador…
The Parsha of Toldos
The Parsha of Toldos The Parsha of Toldos begins with the verse, “These are the descendants of Yitzchak ben Avraham, Avraham fathered Yitzchak.” Rashi is bothered by the obvious question that the second half of the verse is redundant. Rashi answers from Chazal two answers, 1) the Torah comes to tell us that it was…