Parsha Ki Sisa Likutei Shoshanim
Parsha Ki Sisa – Likutei Shoshanim Torah on the Parsha of Ki Sisa from Likutei Shoshanim. (BR: Please see my introduction HERE. Adapted from “Sefer Likutei Shoshanim” by HaAdmor HaRishon Me-Savran (Savaran), HaRav Moshe Tzvi Me-Savran Towards the end of this week’s Parsha the Torah states, “Vayemahair Moshe Vayikod Artza Vayishtachu” (Shemos 34:8), translated as,…
Parshas Tetzaveh – Savran
Parshas Tetzaveh – Savran As an introduction to this Divrei Torah on Parshas Tetzaveh – Savran, please see my introduction to all of these Torahs Here. Divrei Torah Adapted From The Words of Today’s Savraner Rebbe At the beginning of this week’s Parsha the Ba’al Haturim writes the following: Moshe is not mentioned in this…
Parsha Tetzaveh Likutei Shoshanim
Parsha Tetzaveh Adapted from “Sefer Likutei Shoshanim” by HaAdmor HaRishon MeSavran (Savaran), HaRav Moshe Tzvi MeSavran (BR: Please see my introduction Here.) The first posuk in this week’s Parsha Tetzaveh reads: “VeAtah” “Tetzaveh” “Es” “Bnei Yisroel” “VeYikchu Elecha Shemen Zayis” “Zach” “Kasis LeMaor” “LeHaalos” “Ner Tamid”. Someone who wishes to purify (Zach) and raise up…
The Three Weeks

The Three Weeks This post about the three weeks, the mourning period between the 17th of Tammuz through Tisha B’av, is a condensed version of my post on Parshas Emor. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. The Parsha of Emor In the Parsha of Emor we read about…
Savran Savran, or sometimes spelled Savaran, is a chassidic dynasty going back to the “Saba Kadisha” Rebbe Moshe Tzvi from Savran. I quote here from Moshe Zvi of Savran From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Moshe Zvi Giterman of Savran (1775-1837), the Savraner Rebbe, was an influential Hasidic Rebbe in Ukraine whose following numbered in…

Tsunami In the Rosh Chodesh davening we add Barchi Nafshi, a perek from Tehillim (a chapter from the Book of Psalms) which speaks about the creation and the cycle of life in general, and the (lunar) month in particular. During these last couple of months since we have been witness to the destructive force of…
The Fast of the First Born

Parshas BeHaaloscha 5771 I have been sitting on a question for decades which has to do with Parshas BeHaaloscha, (Parshat Behaalotcha) that suddenly this year I had an insight that may resolve the issue. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. Fast of the First Born I am a…
A Black Cat Crossed My Path

A Black Cat Crossed My Path Yesterday a black cat crossed my path. Actually it’s something that happens to me once every couple of months. Nu, what do you say, should I expect bad luck? Is a black cat crossing your path something to worry about? Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main…
Coumadin — Warfarin

Coumadin — Warfarin For the last five years I have to take Coumadin (Warfarin) regularly to keep my INR elevated and fixed. Coumadin Dose A year ago I found out the hard way that I have to be stricter than the average Coumadin user in terms of the range that I can permit myself to sway…
Isru Chag
Isru Chag For my take on whether to say Lamnatzai’ach on Isru Chag, Click Here. Isru Chag Pesach Yesterday was Isru Chag Pesach here in Israel. After davening a Yid came over to me and commented, “Pesach just flew by, didn’t it?” I answered him, “Sometimes we can appreciate what they have in Chutz Laaretz,…
More About The Seventh Day of Passover

Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…