Lag B’Omer
Lag B’Omer Lag B’Omer is coming. {Update for 2011 — also this year Lag B’Omer falls on Motzei Shabbos – Sunday. And again the same arrangement, the Vaad Harabanim for Shabbos Matters publicized that the Hadlokos will only start approx. 3 hours after Shabbos goes out.} Lag B’Omer The Biyaner Rebbe’s Hadlakah News from the…
More on Tachnun
More on Tachnun In the continuing saga, from yours truly, a troublemaker at heart, more on Tachnun … Tachnun With a Mohel We had an interesting happening in shul today that I want to share with my readers. I am writing on vav Iyar, when the secular population is celebrating you-know-what (a “nidcheh”). We had…
Passover Seder
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
The Seventh Day of Passover
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
Passover 2010
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
More Passover Haggadah
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
Passover Haggadah
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
Tzedakah Only Good
Tzedakah Only Good The Tur and Shulchan Orach rule there in the second Halachah that no one will ever become poor as a result of giving Tzedakah, only good will come from Tzedakah, it won’t happen that a bad consequence will happen because of giving Tzedakah. The Prisha explains that whereas with other Mitzvos it…
Tzedakah and Chessed
Tzedakah and Chessed The Tur continues there quoting the gemora in Sukka praising the fulfillment of Tzedakah and Chessed. Tzedakah Fills World With Chessed The gemora says there that he who does an act of Tzedakah fills the world with Chessed. Indeed the verse says in Tehillim, Olam Chessed Yibaneh, the world is built on…

Shabbos I had an insight this Shabbos regarding a question that I have had for many years. We say in our prayers Friday night, “Likras Shabbos Lechu VeNailchah Ki Hi Mekor HaBrocho”. Doesn’t that sound very much like promoting serving the Creator “al manas lekabail pras”, in order to receive reward? That’s the reason why…
The Virtue of Tzedakah
The Virtue of Tzedakah The gemora in Sukka which I quoted in several of the previous posts, after listing many of the virtue of Tzedakah and what a person stands to gain from giving Tzedakah, the gemora hints that not everyone who wants to have these virtues may have them. Availability of Virtuous Tzedakah recipients…