Jewish Beliefs
I once heard, many years ago, that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zatzal used to make a siyum (the completion of an established unit of Torah study) every Erev Pesach on the whole Torah. Meaning all of the Talmud Bavli, all of the Talmud Yerushalmi, all of the Rambam, all of the Shulchan Aruch, all of the…
The dust has settled, the hundreds of thousands have dispersed, and now life continues without Reb Chaim. Click here to see a minute from yesterday’s funeral With the passing of HaGa’on Harav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal, the Tzanzer Rebbe expressed himself that “The World Has Changed”. Reb Chaim Kanievsky is no longer in this world. The…
We have started the weeks of Shovavim, six weeks when there is a special spiritual door that can be opened if you open it, when we can achieve rectification for sins that we have done in the past, sins that have been holding up back. In particular, sins that have to do with men, but…
Another question from one of my students: Q. (On my Parshat Devarim Answer Page): About what you wrote in your email when you sent us the Answer Page: What I am inspired about from your words is that what we are missing is Moshiach. Once we get unified on that point, pray and fast for…
I was asked today by one of my students: Q. I’m Vegetarian for Over ten years, and so I don’t understand about the meat that was eaten in the Holy Temple. I answered her: A. In brief, because this is really a very broad subject: We have to eat because that is the way the…
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
Regarding these 13 principles I prefaced some remarks on the parent page here The Rambam’s sixth principle is regarding prophecy. I paraphrase, approximately, adding how I understand his words more or less: There have been people who merited to reach a high level of ability, and perfected themselves to a high level, to…
Regarding these 13 principles I prefaced some remarks on the parent page here The fifth of the Rambam’s principles is that G-d is the only one that it is fitting that we serve Him and worship Him, to exalt Him, and to tell others about His Greatness. Therefore one should not do such…
At the end of the Parsha Vayaira we find the story of the Akedah. Regarding the Akedah, the Torah recounts that G-d told Avraham to take his son Yitzchak to a place which He will reveal afterwards, and to offer up Yitzchak as a burnt offering to G-d. They journeyed together with Yishmael and Eliezer,…
Regarding these 13 principles I prefaced some remarks on the parent page here The Rambam writes that this One that he mentioned previously is the absolute first entity that ever was, eternal. And that everything else in creation existed only after G-d, and does not share G-d’s eternalness. There are many proofs for…
Regarding these 13 principles I prefaced some remarks on the parent page here The Rambam writes in his third principle that G-d does not have a body nor any physicality whatsoever. That this previously mentioned Entity which is One, is not a body nor the power of a body. Moreover, those things which…
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