Jewish Beliefs
August 2016: This page was broken as a result of a hacker, and it is beyond the scope of the resources that I have currently have to fix it. There was a video that I produced on the first of the 13 principles, and a sign-up form to receive the rest of them, and then…
Regarding these 13 principles I prefaced some remarks on the parent page here The second of the Rambam’s principles is about the Unity of G-d. The Rambam writes that this entity which is the cause of all that is, is One. But not the kind of “one” that we know of. Any one thing that…
Regarding these 13 principles I prefaced some remarks on the parent page here The first of the Rambam’s thirteen principles is about the existence of G-d. The Rambam writes, and I paraphrase, that the first fundamental is to believe in the existence of G-d. That there exists an entity complete and perfect in all possible…
Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles of Faith Maimonides, Moshe ben Maimon, also known as the Rambam, was one of the medieval Talmudic commentators, one of the “Reshonim”. His codes of Jewish law and the Mitzvos, the commandments, is used and studied until this day. In his commentary on the Mishna, which is part of the Talmud, the…
What the Jewish People Believe In I start this article in December 2013, and I know in advance that it is going to take me a long time. Many people come to my site searching for “Jewish Beliefs”, and it’s time that I give you what you are looking for. If you are visiting this…
Yom Kippur Vidui I had an insight this past Yom Kippur about Vidui. Why do we say Vidui both in the silent Shemoneh Esrai and again in the Chazaras HaShatz, in the repetition? I don’t know whether this question is asked, nor if so what they answer, and I didn’t really check out whether my…
The Three Weeks This post about the three weeks, the mourning period between the 17th of Tammuz through Tisha B’av, is a condensed version of my post on Parshas Emor. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. The Parsha of Emor In the Parsha of Emor we read about…
Tsunami In the Rosh Chodesh davening we add Barchi Nafshi, a perek from Tehillim (a chapter from the Book of Psalms) which speaks about the creation and the cycle of life in general, and the (lunar) month in particular. During these last couple of months since we have been witness to the destructive force of…
Parshas BeHaaloscha 5771 I have been sitting on a question for decades which has to do with Parshas BeHaaloscha, (Parshat Behaalotcha) that suddenly this year I had an insight that may resolve the issue. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. Fast of the First Born I am a…
A Black Cat Crossed My Path Yesterday a black cat crossed my path. Actually it’s something that happens to me once every couple of months. Nu, what do you say, should I expect bad luck? Is a black cat crossing your path something to worry about? Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main…
Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles The Haftorah For Shabbos HaGadol, Serving G-d and Not Serving Yourself We’re Leaving Mitzrayim, Are You In? Why We Need The Symbols Of Slavery Also on the Table The Second Half Of Maggid Starting With “Metchila Ovday…” The Seder Night As the Vehicle of Passing Over the…
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