My Preparations For Pesach

Table Of Contents of my Passover Articles

We are leaving Mitzrayim. Time to say goodbye. Ervas Ha’aretz. Basar Chamorim Besaram, ve’zirmas susim zirmasam.

In Mitzrayim (Egypt) there were people from Bnei Yisrael who didn’t want to leave. Didn’t want to leave ervas ha’aretz with all that the term represents. Didn’t trust the Ribono Shel Olam to uproot what they had, and to continue their life doing His Will. Didn’t trust the gedolim, Moshe and Aharon, to lead them out into the wilderness and desert, nachash saraf ve’akrav. Preferred to stay behind, with their life organized, even though their life was not that good, at least they know what they have. Didn’t want to leave Mitzrayim to start something new, to start afresh.

I am inspired to think that this is the trial that each of us have before Pesach. I am inspired to ask myself, “are YOU ready to leave Mitzrayim? Are YOU ready to be picked up by the Ribono Shel Olam as on the wings of eagles? Are YOU ready to go through a seven week purification process and then REALLY receive the Torah?”

We are leaving Mitzrayim. It’s time to say goodbye. I ask myself, “Can YOU say goodbye to all the trash? To all the Egoism. To throw yourself into the Hands of the Ribono Shel Olam and let Him call the shots?”

About The Author

Boruch Rappaport


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