Jewish Beliefs
Parshas HaChodesh I got real excited when I heard Parshas HaChodesh last Shabbos, when I realized that when Moshe Rabbeinu told over Parshas HaChodesh to the Yidden in Egypt, that this was basically the Besora, the tidings, of the upcoming Geula in two weeks time. Moshe Rabbeinu basically said to the Yidden, “Another two weeks,…
Reb Meir Schuster Reb Meir Schuster is a man who requires no introduction. The Reb Meir Schuster Tribute Website I just heard of the launch of the Reb Meir Schuster Tribute Website. I personally met Reb Meir Schuster maybe twice, not much more. I didn’t come through that path, yet Reb Meir Schuster was a living legend…
Shovavim During these days: today, tomorrow, and Shabbos, we come to the end of the Shovavim period, special this year because it is Shovavim Tat. They say that the Arizal’s original Tikun was meant only for leap years, years with two Adars, even though nowadays we have accepted the Avodas Hashem of Shovavim each year.…
Be Your Own Boss The slogan and rallying cry of home business owners, or people that want to make you one, is “Fire Your Boss”, or “Be Your Own Boss”. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing myself in all of my hishtadlus since leaving America, from selling books to being a private tutor, and coming…
Jewish Holidays: Chag Sukkos I record now, a month and a half later, some thoughts that we focused on during the Jewish Holidays, specifically Chag Sukkos, ideas that remained with me until now. Sukkah: Ananai HaKavod Chazal tell us, and the poskim codify this at the beginning of Hilchos Sukkah, that the Sukkah that we…
Tachnun (Tachanun Prayer) I wrote a post last year on this day, Sivan 13, about a cute story that happened in shul on the subject of Tachnun (Tachanun prayer). You can see it here. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. Tachnun and a Chosson Again Anyway, I couldn’t…
Torah Study I wish to share with my readers a certain satisfaction that I’ve had in my Torah study with the lu’ach (calendar) of Chaburas Shas from Lakewood. I don’t really know anything about the people involved in the chabura, even today. But I used to see the lu’ach with the accompanying pink colored explanation…
The Chag (Jewish Holiday) of Shavuos This is an edited copy of an article that I wrote in a previous year in a different blog before the Chag, Jewish holiday, of Shavuos, in the category Jewish Holidays. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article on Jewish Beliefs. Jewish Holidays: Shavuos 2010 The…
Preparations for Shavuos We are in the last week of Sefirah, doing the last preparations for Shavuos. Shavuos 2010 Shavuos this year, Shavuos 2010, falls on Tuesday evening from sunset May 18, until nightfall on the 19th. Shavuos is a full fledged Chag, Jewish Holiday. Searching for Jewish Beliefs? Click Here for my main article…
Pesach Sheni Today is Pesach Sheni, Pesach Sheni 2010. The Gates of Heaven The sefarim bring in the name of the Zohar HaKadosh that during the week of Hod, which starts on Pesach Sheni, that the Gates of Heaven open up, and they announce, “Whoever didn’t succeed in making it in during the week of…
More on Tachnun In the continuing saga, from yours truly, a troublemaker at heart, more on Tachnun … Tachnun With a Mohel We had an interesting happening in shul today that I want to share with my readers. I am writing on vav Iyar, when the secular population is celebrating you-know-what (a “nidcheh”). We had…
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