Preparations for Shavuos

Preparations for Shavuos

We are in the last week of Sefirah, doing the last preparations for Shavuos.

Shavuos Kiddush Cup

Shavuos 2010

Shavuos this year, Shavuos 2010, falls on Tuesday evening from sunset May 18, until nightfall on the 19th. Shavuos is a full fledged Chag, Jewish Holiday.

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Parshas Yisro

The Torah tells us that on Rosh Chodesh Sivan Klal Yisroel arrived at Midbar Sinai in preparation for the giving of the Torah on Shavuos.

The Torah Commentary Rashi in Parshas Yisro brings from the words of Chazal, why does the Torah have to repeat VaYisu Me’Refidim etc., we know that they were in Refidim, if they came to Midbar Sinai, surely they left Refidim? Rather it is to make a hekesh between their arrival at Midbar Sinai to their leaving Refidim, just like their arrival which was “BeTshuvah”, so was their leaving Refidim “BeTshuvah”.

I ask: If Refidim is not only the name of the place, but also represents their spiritual problem of Rafu Yedayhem MeDivrei Torah, and for that reason amongst others they got it over the head from Amalek, then if leaving Refidim represents leaving the state of Rifyon Yadayim, so then it is self evident that they were BeTshuvah, for they strengthened themselves in Avodas Hashem in general, and in Torah learning in particular. That is the Tshuvah. So why do I need the hekesh?

I was inspired to understand this in the spirit of the post that I wrote on Shabbos HaGadol, that it is possible to have all the external trappings, yet he has not yet started to serve the Ribono Shel Olam, he could still be serving himself.

There are plenty of reasons why a person could strengthen himself now in these few days before Shavuos, Chag Matan Torasainu. One reason is to go along with everybody else who is strengthening themselves during this time. Fad, style. Another reason is to show off, or to be deemed successful in his own eyes.

Comes the hekesh and tells us that they really did Tshuvah. They really didn’t waste the days of Sefirah, that when they came to Midbar Sinai they really took it upon themselves and internalized it to be good and pure. To be ready to receive the Torah on Shavuos.

About The Author

Boruch Rappaport

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