Category Archives: Parshat Hashavua


Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha 5769

Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha Let me share some thoughts on Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha that came to me like a flash. Parshas Be’Ha’aloscha One of the questions that I had for years, was that it says in Halacha that on Rosh Hashana one should not mention his sins, he should not say viduy, and so forth. Many skip in Aveinu Malkainu…

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Parshas Emor 5769

Parshas Emor In Parshas Emor we find some of the prohibitions for Kohanim. The Parsha of Emor In the Parsha of Emor we read about the prohibition for Kohanim to have contact with a mais, a dead person. The Or HaChaim HaKadosh brings from the Medrash Tanchuma, that the A’lmighty says, “it is not nice, it is…

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