Pesach Sheni

Pesach Sheni

Today is Pesach Sheni, Pesach Sheni 2010.

Jewish Holidays

The Gates of Heaven

The sefarim bring in the name of the Zohar HaKadosh that during the week of Hod, which starts on Pesach Sheni, that the Gates of Heaven open up, and they announce, “Whoever didn’t succeed in making it in during the week of Pesach, has another chance now during these seven days.”

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Only An Individual Is Pushed Off To Pesach Sheni

I heard this year something that I don’t think that I heard before; that the principle that only an individual is pushed off to Pesach Sheni and not the community, that is, that if the majority of Yidden are tameh (mais) that the Korban is done in Nissan be-tumah, and only if individuals adding up to a minority are tameh are they pushed off till Pesach Sheni; that there are those who hold that this principle is only when we have the Bais HaMikdash and we offer up the Korban in Nissan. But in a year like this one, where we didn’t have the Bais HaMikdash in Nissan, if Moshiach would have come before (I am writing this in the afternoon after eating the Matzah), then we would have offered up the Korban Pesach today. I heard this from the Rav that gave the drasha on Shalosh Seudos.

If you can open up my eyes with a source for this I will be appreciative, please leave a comment.

Refuah Shleimah

There are many things said about the gevaldik uplifting of the voch fin Hod. In our circles, many communities don’t say Tachnun the whole week long. I can share with you that I heard a number of times from my Rebbe when my first wife was ill, that during the week of Hod it is easier to bring down, so to speak, well, to have one’s prayers answered in the area of Refuah Shleimah. In Birchas Yotzer at the end, it says on the Almight’y that (only) He is Marom Ve’Kadosh Po’el Gevuros etc. He told me that this goes in the order of the Middos, that the first three that I mentioned are the three upper ones, so to speak, and Oseh Chadashos etc. are the seven lower ones. The fifth is Borai Refuos. Hod is also the fifth Middah of the lower seven that we relate to during the Omer, so therefore during the voch fin Hod one can po’el easier any Refuah Sheimah that is needed.

After davening this morning I bumped into someone that I know, and we started to talk about these things.

He smiled sheepishly. I asked why.

He answered, “When I got to Refa’ainu in shemona esrei I poured my heart out, because of this (the above mentioned) idea.

“When I got to Boraich Alainu, it came to me a thought, I don’t know whether from the outside or from within, ‘What are you going to do now, daven for a Refuah Shleimah for your bank account?'”

About The Author

Boruch Rappaport


  • David

    Reply Reply April 29, 2010

    The source for the Majority / Minority that you mention- I have not learned. Regarding Fulfilling the Pesach in Iyyar- Divrey Ha Yamin Bet 30: 13-23 (It has been said that the Sages disagreed with his decision to make the Pesach in the second month and that he agreed he made a mistake- If you obtain a source for he having admitted that the Pesach Offering in the second month was a mistake, please leave a comment it will be appreciated.)

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