Parental Responsibility in Parshat Vayairah Part 2

This is a continuation from Part 1

There is a second interesting point that I noticed in the parsha. There were two places where the character of that part of the story was the central character, but actually the whole narrative was being done because of someone else.

When Hagar and Yishmael needed rescuing, and the angel spoke to Hagar from Heaven to tell her not to worry, and her eyes were opened to see the spring of water that was waiting for her. That was a revelation that Yishmael did not partake of. But the whole revelation was for the sake of Yishmael which is really explicit in the verses themselves.

Also the whole story of Lot. All that he was saved together with his wife, well, and his daughters, everything was in the merit of Avraham like the verse says (19, 29).

About The Author

Boruch Rappaport

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