Parsha Braisheit

I always wondered, in the third day it says that G-d commanded that the earth should bring forth grasses etc. and fruit trees. Aitz pri oseh pri, Rashi brings from the words of Chazal that Aitz Pri implies that the taste of the tree should be like the taste of the fruit. And that the earth didn’t do this, rather what is says is that it made aitz oseh pri, trees which make fruit, but without the aspect of “aitz pri”. And that is why when Adam sinned and was thrown out of Gan Aiden and cursed, so the earth was also cursed because of its sin.

If so, then why does it say in posuk 12 that “G-d saw that it was good”. What’s so good? The earth didn’t obey G-d’s command, and has a punishment and a curse coming to it.

All I can think of is that Gan Aiden is not Olam Haba, the world of reward. It is a place to do Avodas Hashem. Le’avda u’leshamra. Mitzvos Aseh and Mitzvos lo-ta’aseh, or alternatively limud Hatorah and shmiras Hamitzvos. Therefore there had to be some aspect of imperfection. I read many years ago, I don’t remember where, that even before the chait there was nisayon. But not between good and evil, rather between truth and falsehood.

So adaraba, that’s what’s good, this imperfection that the earth rebelled so to speak is part of the Divine Plan. So that there will be, even in Gan Aiden, subtle and fine nisyonos for man.

That is all I have, I would be thrilled to hear your insight. If you want, please leave a comment with your understanding.

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Boruch Rappaport

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