Parshat Tetzaveh and Pekudei Notes

The Tzitz – Rashi brings that there were 6 straps, psil techeles in three places, at the ends, by the ears, which are tied in the back of the head. And then in the middle of the Tzitz which goes under and over the Mitznefet (the hat) and is also tied in the back of the head. Rashi points out, when he describes the place of the Tzitz, he brings the gemora that the Mitznefet didn’t cover the entire head, rather there was hair in front of the Mitznefet where the cohen put on his Tefillin (and similarly in the back).

It bothered me, why didn’t the psil techelet straps in the middle interfere with the wearing of the Tefillin?

I asked several people who couldn’t answer me. So I asked R. Yitzchak Kline, the Rosh Yeshiva in Amshinov and also a Cohen. Reb Yitzchak told me that what’s the problem? Both straps went over the Tefillin, and then split up, one went under the Mitznefet and the over the Mitznefet. Pashut.

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Boruch Rappaport

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